Event - 13 September 2022

BEL Gives Public Lecture for USK Mining Students

SERAMBINEWS.COM, SUKA MAKMUE – PT Bara Energi Lestari (BEL) in collaboration with PT Solusi Bangun Andalas and Perhapi Aceh Regional Representative, gave a public lecture for Mining Engineering Study Program students, Syiah Kuala University (USK), Thursday (25/8/2022) then.

The public lecture with PT BEL as a speaker with the coal mining area in Nagan Raya, took place at the USK Campus in Aceh Besar.

The Coordinator of the Mining Engineering Study Program, USK Ir Pocut Nurul Alam MT welcomed the public lecture given by the company. 

He said, in addition to increasing student knowledge, this program is also important for Key Performance Indicators (IKU).

"We are very grateful and appreciate the public lectures held by PT BEL and PT SBA for students," he said.

He hopes that, in the future, through the collaboration program between the campus and the company, there will be more public lectures.

As well as other programs, including industrial visits, internships/KP and final project implementation in the company.

Head of Mining Engineering, PT Bara Energi Lestari, Rahmad Zahri said the implementation of this public lecture was a manifestation of the company's support for the world of education.

As one of the companies engaged in coal mining in Aceh, his party will continue to support every program that supports capacity building and student abilities. 

"So far, we really support and welcome every program from the campus, be it industrial visits, internships or FY," he said in a press release received by Serambinews.com , Saturday (26/8/2022).

He hopes that in the future there will be more mining experts published by USK, so that they will be able to compete in the increasingly advanced world of work in the future. (*)

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